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2022 Religious School Hanukkah Celebration
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2022 Religious School Purim Celebration
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"Crown of a Good Name" Shabbat Service & Tribute Dinner
A special Shabbat service and dinner to honor four long-standing volunteers - Fred Fabricant, Gail & Saul Jacobs, and Jack Olshanksy. Thanks to everyone who made the evening so special.
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Confirmation Class Food Drive 2021
The confirmation class decided to organize a legacy gift to the community by collecting non-perishables for the FIND Food Bank. With the help of their families and the community, they were able to collect 742 lbs of food.
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Brotherhood/ Jewish Men's Outreach of the Desert Toy Drive
Temple Sinai Brotherhood partnered with the Jewish Men's Outreach of the Desert to collect toys for local charities and the Loma Linda University Children's Hospital.
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WOS Fashion Show January 2023
WOS Fashion Show January 2023
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First Day Of Religious School 2023
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Pride 2023
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