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 General Fund

Most needed - General operating funds used to pay salaries, utilities, administrative costs and a portion of religious school expenses.


 Rabbi's Discretionary Fund

These funds are distributed by our Rabbi. In particular, Rabbi assists the needs of our religious school students, so that no child whose family may not be able to afford to fund all of the religious school costs are left out.

 Music Fund

Supports the cost of guest musicians at our High Holy Day and Shabbat services.

Secure Our Future Fund

This fund will be used by the Board of Trustees to secure the future of our Temple. 


 Building Fund

Funds are used for maintenance and repair of the building and equipment, such as AC and kitchen equipment.

Doroshow Education Fund

Religious School scholarships

       Rabbi Avi Levine Religious School 

Funds used to enhance the religious school experience by providing supplemental funds to help provide for special activities, events and materials. Can also be used for Scholarship needs at the discretion of the Board.

 Mitzvah/Food Bank Fund

Supports weekly food delivery throughout our desert community. This program is completely managed by dedicated volunteers in our congregation and others. Funds donated to this account  may only be used for this purpose.

 Birthday or Anniversary Donation

What better way to honor a birthday or anniversary than making a donation to Temple Sinai. When you make a donation, the recipient receives a notification of the donation and an announcement of the donation will appear in the monthly publication of the Shofar, the Temple Sinai newsletter.

Gift Garden Bricks

Please consider purchasing a Temple Sinai Gift Brick or a group of bricks, for our newly renovated Native Scape  Chapel Garden.


These bricks may be used to:

¨ Celebrate a birth

¨ Honor or thank a special person

¨ Leave a lasting memorial

¨ Commemorate any occasion


Click HERE to print a mail-in form. 

Memorial Plaques

Temple Sinai offers the opportunity to honor the loving memory of a departed family member or close friend by having his or her name inscribed on a Memorial Plaque placed on our beautiful Memorial Wall in the Nash Sanctuary.

The Memorial Plaque will be lit on the Yahrzeit and Yizkor days with Kaddish recited on the respective Shabbat.

A Yahrzeit notification will be sent to you for the Yahrzeit and your loved one’s name will be listed in perpetuity in our annual Book of Remembrance that is distributed to the congregation on Yom Kippur.

Memorial Plaques are $500.00 each. To reserve or purchase your Memorial Plaque, please complete and mail the attached form with payment to Temple Sinai. We will notify you when your plaque is completed and placed on the Memorial Wall.

Complete the form and return to the Temple Sinai office.

Memorial Plaque Order Form.

Tree of Life

Have you noticed our “Tree of Life” on the wall in the Temple lobby by the Sanctuary door with the engraved leaves and stones? It is a great way for us to help Temple Sinai raise funds while getting something special in return that will last for many, many years. For $300 per leaf you can honor a teacher or special mentor, acknowledge the birth of a new baby, a birthday, wedding, anniversary, bar/bat mitzvah, Hanukah gift, or any type of celebration. Of course, this is also a perfect way to memorialize the loved ones we have lost. In addition, small stones and large stones are available for engraving and sit at the base of the tree. The small stones are available for $1,000 and larger stones are $1,500. To make this fundraiser even more affordable consider “chipping in” with other congregants to purchase a leaf or rock.

Please print and return to the Temple with your payment: Tree of Life Form.


In Jewish tradition, we remember and honor our loved ones on the annual date of their death, a date known as the Yahrzeit. It is a Jewish custom and part of the foundation of Judaism to perform an act of tzedakah, or charity, on his or her Yahrzeit to honor their memory. This generally takes the form of a donation to a synagogue or other institution where the deceased was associated.

Make a donation in honor of your loved one's memory. 

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785