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Interested in Joining Temple Sinai?




You will thrive at Temple Sinai, a Reform Jewish community of connection, caring, and compassion. Our Reform Jewish practice makes worship accessible to all. Our rabbi is a warm human being with a please bother the rabbi policy. New and veteran congregants form enduring friendships.


Jewish learning happens wherever you are in your life-just jump in. Lectures, movies, bridge,  TaiChi, Chair Yoga, Mahjong, deli nights-all of this and more are available as a Sinai congregant. Most importantly you will be part of a community where you will be known by our rabbi. Rabbi David Novak is a compassionate being who cares deeply about all our congregants. In times of need or whenever you want to have a moment with him, he is readily available.

Shabbat is a sacred space at Sinai. Friday night Shabbat worship features our rabbi and cantorial soloist in a 75-minute invitation to relax and refresh, preceded by a preĀ·Oneg nosh. Shabbat morning Torah study is used to open texts from antiquity to modern ideas and thoughts. Shabbat morning worship allows us to pray and hear the Torah. Telling Jewish time is a function of the festivals. All of them are observed at Sinai, including the Yizkor services on Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Pesach, and Shavuot. Words on paper are unable to fully convey Sinai's reality. You are invited to come in and meet with the rabbi and others who will be thrilled to assist you in making Sinai a part of your life. Please know that once you become part of the congregation, Sinai will be wherever you are in our building, at your home, wherever you find yourself.


We are Sinai-where Judaism blooms in the desert.

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785